Monday, October 11, 2010

Dairy of a Teenage Vampire (well almost) #1

Diary, this Mandi.
 I'm the only daughter of Robert and Julie Vamptien. I got you today as a substute for a puppy. yep a book that I have to make in place of a puppy. they say it will inprove my spelling (as u can c sucks).
      well the only thing that makes this diary different from all the rest is...I 'm a vampire...well almost. I going to a bordeing school next week to get ready for my change and College. A vampy college. Yep... write later.


 Well u like? u not like? sorry it was short!

Shout outs

thats for the idea emily!
Love u Bf!
LOve u friends!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I'm a Christian. If you want to know more ask, thats all for me. If you call yourself a christian, muslium,jewish,catholic, etc. please just know what you REALLY believe in. learn about it. give me your religions proof of God or Begining of life.
 I can't stand people just going off on me                         
beacase I believe in something different

 while they can't even tell me the basics
of thier own religion. What if your religion

 was worshiping a timer (sorry 4 people who do)

 Really?! find out and if you dissage then you can
 diss mine, not that i wont fight back. Words and Fist.


My savior Jesus Christ died Here.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My First Post!

 Hello strangers I'm Ann from the Dark Bedroom. As you see I like dark things, but I like the light too. just the dark seems cozy to me. I really came up with the name on the spot cuz' i'm realling writeing from my Dark Bedroom, crazy right! (No that is not my real bedroom)

Here are some things I will hopefully start soon:
*Lost and Found* - a twilight story
*Hide and Drink* - another twilght story but not my own (getting aouthors permittiion.)
*Dark Bedroom Fanfiction Contest*- what it says
*diray of a teenage Vampire (well alomost)* My diray on this almost vampire (own story NO copy write)

*My amazing boyfriend
*Best friends - Mandi , Alisha , and Mia.(they Are not in order of favorite stupid best friends so don't fight!)
(please if you want a shout out just ask!)

And Here is my little sig. *    >    
                                      *   >
(it's a very stupid person with vangs if you don't see)